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HomeLifestyle10 birds that can be spotted in Delhi

10 birds that can be spotted in Delhi

Mar 10, 2024

Madhurima Sarkar

Birds in Delhi

Being one of the most bird-rich cities in the world, Delhi has a beautiful array of birds to offer the enthusiasts. The capital city has birds native to it, as well as migrants from different parts of the world that descend upon it across the year. Here are the top ten birds you can spot in Delhi.


Rosy Starling

Rosy starlings lead quite the nomadic life and travel all the way from Europe and other parts of Asia to spend the winters in India. They are spotted on large trees like the peepal and banyan.


Black Drongo

Black drongos are often called the ‘police’ of the bird world. Distinctively black with forked long tails, these birds are found in Delhi’s dry forests, as well as its manicured gardens and riverfronts.


Rock Pigeon

The rock pigeon, also called the blue pigeon is the most common species spotted in Delhi. They throng the markets and localities.


Purple Sunbird

Purple sunbirds sport a long, beautiful bent beak that evolved to drink nectar from flowers. They are usually found sipping nectar on flowering trees and plants like hibiscus and tecoma.


Plum-headed Parakeet

The plum-headed parakeet is easily the most attractive and charismatic bird. They are found close to forested areas.


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Common mynas

The common mynas chatter away as they hop about at the local roadside eateries, familiar with human beings, these birds are a delight to watch.


Laughing doves

Laughing doves look similar to pigeons, albeit more slender and different in colour.


Indian peafowl

Our national bird, the Indian peafowl is quite a common bird in Delhi. They are almost everywhere, hopping around and striking a pose every now and then.


White-throated Kingfisher

The white-throated kingfisher is a prominent, beautiful bird that frequents reservoirs, lakes and river-banks.


Rose-ringed Parakeet

Rose-ringed parakeets are the most widespread in Delhi. They are usually perched on peepal trees or trees bearing big fruits.


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