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Apply the Principle of Reciprocity
When you do someone a favour, they often feel obliged to return it. And so, even a small gestures of being kind or helpful to others can make people more receptive to your requests later.
Establish your authority
People trust experts. If you show knowledge, confidence, and credibility about something, people are more likely to be convinced by you.
Don’t be too available
People value others or things more when they are not too available. Use this tactic to convince others easily.
Use the foot-in-the-door technique
Ask others for a small request or favour to build commitment. Once someone agrees to something minor, later they are more likely to comply with a bigger request.
Mirror their behaviour
Subtly mirroring other’s tone, gestures, or words helps create a subconscious bond with them. This makes others feel comfortable and agree with you.
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Request in a positive way
People often respond better to a positive way of speaking. And so, frame your requests with positive words and tone, and this will make it easier to convince them to oblige.
Appeal to their emotions
While logic is important, most people are driven by emotions when it comes to making decisions. So use your storytelling skills to connect with their feelings and convince them.
Make it sound like their idea
Instead of forcing your opinions on others, guide people to believe they arrived at the conclusion themselves. Ask open-ended questions and let them connect the dots.
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