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HomeLifestyleAll about the new buzzwords of Spirituality

All about the new buzzwords of Spirituality

01/6​The importance of spirituality

We live in a world where being fast and steady is of utmost importance. People find very less time for themselves and their inner peace and the constant hustle of being ahead in the professional front has made people forget the importance of being healthy and wealthy on the inside as well. And to give people a break from the race, spirituality has come up again. Spirituality helps us take a dive into ourselves, almost like a very deep personal journey. Through spiritual practices, people find meaning, purpose, and the connection with their divine self that they had ignored for the longest time.


02/6The sudden rise in spiritual practices

In recent years, people have been more inclined towards spirituality and the healing that comes with it. The sense of calm, a journey of fulfilment and the connection you get with the divine afterwards, is how spirituality has been helping people. People have slowly started to realise that the material world can only please them so much and the need to search for something more, something that exists within them, is growing. People are seeking ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and existential questions, and all of it is leading them towards spirituality.


03/6Meditation as a form of spirituality

The oldest and simplest form of spirituality is meditation. The act of sitting quietly in a room and focusing on what your body is doing to keep you alive is meditation. Meditation helps focus the mind, be more at ease with self and develop better awareness.
Among the trends these days are the different types of meditations, each having their own benefits. For example, there is mindfulness meditation that focuses on the breath and presence, there is guided visualisation that helps people who are new to meditating and much more. Through regular practice, meditation can help reduce stress, improve concentration, and promote emotional well-being.


04/6Manifestation in spirituality

Another popular form of spiritual practice has come in the form of Manifestation. To manifest something is to make the self and the universe believe in your ability to achieve something.
Manifestation is the belief that simple thoughts and intentions have the power to become a reality. Manifestation involves aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions with the desired outcomes to attract them into your life. Techniques such as visualisation, affirmations, and gratitude are used to manifest goals and abundance.
For example, the repeated affirmation of ‘I attract wealth and positivity’ and the belief in the affirmation is a way of manifesting.


05/6Subliminals in spirituality

Subliminal techniques use certain sounds, phrases and very muted down voices that are believed to enter straight into your subconscious mind. It is believed that subliminals help influence thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours. These techniques often use audios or visuals that are presented to you through earphones or bigger screens in a peaceful, quiet environment. Subliminal messages help instil positive affirmations in your mind and guide you towards a better you.


06/6The connection between the three

Meditation, manifestation, and subliminal techniques may seem different, but they all share a common goal. They all recognise that our minds and bodies are connected. When we meditate, we focus on the present moment and how our body feels. Manifestation is about thinking positively to make things happen, while subliminal techniques work on changing our subconscious to change our behaviour.
They all stress the importance of focusing on what we want and imagining it happening. Ultimately, they help us change ourselves for the better, making us more aware, happier, and fulfilled.


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