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Avoid threatening your child with punishment at bedtime
This can create anxiety and fear, making it difficult for them to relax and fall asleep. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement and encouragement to promote a sense of security and calm.
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Do not make negative comparisons, especially before bedtime
Comparisons can undermine your child’s self-esteem and lead to feelings of inadequacy or resentment. Instead, emphasize their unique strengths and qualities to boost their confidence and sense of self-worth.
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Bedtime is not the time to discuss stressful or upsetting topics
These conversations can increase your child’s anxiety and make it difficult for them to relax and unwind. Instead, create a peaceful and soothing bedtime routine that promotes a sense of calm and security.
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Avoid exposing your child to scary stories before bedtime
These can trigger nightmares and disturb their sleep, leading to bedtime resistance and sleep disturbances. Instead, choose age-appropriate and calming bedtime stories that promote relaxation and comfort.
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Refrain from using negative labels or criticism towards your child
Negative words can stick with them and affect their self-esteem and sense of worthiness. Instead, focus on constructive feedback and encouragement to nurture a positive self-image.
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Avoid making tall promises to your child
Broken promises can erode trust and lead to disappointment and frustration. Instead, be honest with your child and set realistic expectations to maintain trust and integrity in your relationship.
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Bedtime is not the time to discuss future worries or concerns
These conversations can increase your child’s anxiety and make it difficult for them to relax and fall asleep. Instead, reassure them that everything will be okay and focus on the present moment to promote a sense of calm and security.
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Avoid discussing personal relationship issues or conflicts
These conversations can be overwhelming and inappropriate for their emotional development. Instead, address these issues at a more appropriate time and create a supportive environment for open communication.
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Avoid expressing anger or frustration towards your child at bedtime
This can create tension and negativity, making it difficult for them to feel safe and secure. Instead, model patience and understanding, using positive discipline strategies to address any behavior issues calmly and compassionately.
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