Wednesday, June 5, 2024

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HomeNewsIndian student succumbs to bike accident in New York

Indian student succumbs to bike accident in New York


Indian student

from Andhra Pradesh studying at The

State University of New York

(SUNY) lost his life in a motorcycle accident that occurred on Wednesday evening.

consulate general of India

expressed their grief and condolences in an X post, saying, “Saddened to learn about the untimely demise of Shri

Belem Atchyuth

, a student at SUNY who met with a

bike accident

and passed away yesterday evening.”
The consulate is currently in contact with Atchyuth’s family and local authorities to provide the necessary support, including the repatriation of his mortal remains to India.

The consulate expressed “deepest condolences” to his family and said that they are “in touch with the bereaved family & local agencies to extend all assistance including sending the mortal remains back to India.”